I will surely recommend Immigration Desk to all my friends when they need immigration related help!!

Thanks for all your help in getting my Green Card. I was thinking that it was almost impossible to get my GC when I first saw the NOID (Notice of Intent to Deny) on my already approved I-140.

But the way you dealt with answering the query was awesome and that took me to next step, interview at the local center. Once again, the way you prepared me for the interview was amazing. The only confidence I had throughout this battle was, “Anu is handling the case and I will get my GC”. And the result of my belief is, “I got the GC last week”. Thank you for your patience for answering all my calls. Thanks for your excellent support for the last 7 months in answering queries and giving me the confidence.

I will surely recommend you to all my friends when they need immigration related help!!


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